My sources are my friends.They have a lot of trust in me and freely give me vital information. Since I always prefer to go undercover for my assignments, their knowledge of the darker side of society comes in handy.I treat my sources like friends.I talk to them a lot and try to solve their problems.I believe that a good investigative reporter cannot reveal his source.He prefers to go to jail rather than reveal their identity.A few years ago, one of my sources introduced me to a young lady.He introduced her as a call girl.
After that, we met regularly in and around Kolkata and she Revealed ‘trade secrets’ to me.She trusted me a lot and I always protected her identity.But now she has completely withdrawn from it.She has formed an NGO and is helping destitute children.As an investigative reporter, I first try to build up confidence and then persuade persons to talk on Camera.
But, despite my best efforts to build a cordial relationship with them, they occasionally get me into trouble.Here, I’d like to recall one incident in which I was forced to take action against one of my contacts.A few years ago, my source, a husky guy, came over to my office and struck up a conversation with me and pulled pranks—then he told me that he needed one of my mobile phones to capture some videos for me.
I handed over my mobile phone to him because I trusted him and he promised to return it after completing his job.But two-three days later, when he didn’t return it, I tried to contact him and discovered that his phone was switched off.I didn’t remember his home address.I was at my wits end.After ten-twelve days, I informed the police.Though it was not a strong case because I willingly gave it to him, I informed the police. After three months and several raids, a young officer from local Police Station, nabbed him from his hideout. I later learned that the man was involved in white-collar crime and that he had been arrested on several charges before.
Despite these type of setbacks, I continue to trust my sources and meet with them on a regular basis. I follow in the footsteps of Pete Shellem, a chain-smoking investigative reporter for the Patriot-News in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, who meets sources in bars and knows most of the bartenders by name. When his immediate boss or anyone else from his newspaper needs to find him for a question on a storey, they know where to look.His tireless efforts resulted in the release of four innocent persons who had been incarcerated for long years. Hats off to his temperament.