The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on 14 April said in a video message that as the world fights the deadly COVID-19 pandemic we are also seeing another pandemic – “the dangerous epidemic of misinformation.”
Around the world, people are scared, he said, and they want to know what to do and where to turn to for advice.
“Yet the global ‘misinfo-demic’ is spreading,” said the Secretary-General.
The Secretary-General announced a new United Nations Communications Response initiative to “flood the Internet with facts and science while countering the growing scourge of misinformation — a poison that is putting even more lives at risk.”
He called on everyone to unite against this disease by trusting science and journalists who are fact-checking misleading stories. The Secretary-General also called on trust in institutions — grounded in responsive, responsible, evidence-based governance and leadership With common cause for common sense and facts, we can defeat COVID-19 — and build a healthier, more equitable, just and resilient world,” he said-UNIFEED
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