Originating in Thailand, the Thai Ridgeback is a very intelligent dog. This breed, which was once employed for their excellent hunting abilities, is now a family dog.Archaeological records from Thailand, which date back around 360 years, mention the Thai Ridgeback Dog as an ancient breed. In Thailand’s eastern region, it was mainly used for hunting. It was also utilized as a watchdog and to escort carts.
Red, black, blue-gray, and light fawn/Isabella are among the solid colors of the Thai Ridgeback’s short, silky coat. Some dogs have black masks and are fawn or crimson in hueNot much of a barker quiet Wellsuited to children Outstanding protective dog; fiercely protective.
In general, Thai Ridgeback males are larger than females. They range in height from 56 to 60 cm. Females, on the other hand, stand between 51 and 56 cm. Both sexes are capable of weighing between 23 and 24 kg.Life span 12 to 15 years.
Early socialization enables Ridgeback puppies to develop into adult dogs who can control their behavior by making them feel at ease and teaching them how to act in various situations.This breed is not well-known for being trainable; they are prone to allergies and other health problems.