The crowded field of U.S. Democratic presidential hopefuls added a new name this week, when former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg officially joined the race on Sunday. VOA’s Ardita Dunellari reports the 77-year old billionaire investor and philanthropist has name recognition and millions of dollars of his own fortune for campaign spending~VOA NEWS
The mango is indigenous to India and Pakistan but the US gets most of its supply from Central and S America. In fact, it’s hard to find Pakistani and Indian mangoes in the United States even though the region produces nearly 40 percent of the world’s supply
At a time when podcasts, e-books, and smartphones are blossoming, old-fashioned books are still popular in the United States. That is why tiny free libraries, where people exchange books, are sprouting up across the nation to help book lovers
Courses in Islamic studies are being offered at many colleges and universities in the United States. And it’s not just Muslims signing up for those classes
A bipartisan U.S.-based watchdog says President Donald Trump is attacking essential American institutions and democratic norms, including a free press, an independent judiciary, safeguards against corruption and the legitimacy of elections.VOA
The greatest concentration of Muslims in China is in Xinjiang province, where 10 million Uighurs live. Repressed by the Chinese government, more than 1 million Uighurs are estimated to be held in detention camps, a United Nations report says. Beijing calls these camps “re-education camps” and denies any human rights are being violated
The U.N. currently runs most peacekeeping efforts in Africa, with a budget that dwarfs the African Union’s
Some of the dozens of people sleeping on the concrete floor or outside on the grass underneath palm trees bathed by the light of street lamps are awaiting buses to the Guatemalan border to begin the journey north.