As a new wave of infections caused by the omicron variant sweeps the country, more South African organisations and institutions are making COVID-19 immunizations mandatory. South Africa’s Religious Forum Against COVID-19 has been urging religious followers to get the vaccine to assist reduce vaccine apprehension
In the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, violence against women has increased around the world, particularly in South Africa, where half of all women have experienced at least one incident of abuse during their lives. To help prevent the abuse, a local tech firm has developed an alarm system
The Security Council meeting on risks to international peace and security is chaired by Abdou Abarry, the Permanent Representative of Niger to the UN and the President of the Security Council for the month of December
Sudden travel bans imposed on South Africa in the last week over the omicron variant have wreaked havoc on the country’s already struggling economy, according to experts. The unemployment rate is approaching 50%, and the loss of tourism this month will have far-reaching consequences beyond the tourist industry
During the COVID-19 pandemic, South Africa’s teenage pregnancy rate increased by 60%, affecting many young women’s schooling and hopes of getting free from poverty
South Africa’s Little People claim that public spaces aren’t meant to accommodate them, from shopping malls to government buildings. A Johannesburg-based advocacy group is calling for more assistance to help individuals live independently
The value and security of downtown Johannesburg, South Africa’s largest metropolis, have been degraded by dilapidated and dangerous “hijacked” buildings — abandoned assets taken over by slumlords. However, a local organisation is recovering and repairing a historic structure to give housing for those who are homeless
South Africa’s ruling African National Congress is plagued by a failing economy, intra-party fighting, and never-ending corruption allegations.South Africa’s ruling African National Congress is plagued by a failing economy, intra-party fighting, and never-ending corruption allegations. On November 1st, municipal elections will determine whether allegiance to the party that brought apartheid to an end will triumph or whether they will move in favour of a new political order
Ransacked businesses say they are still waiting for government assistance to get back on their feet 100 days after South Africa was rocked by the greatest unrest since the end of apartheid. Frustration over the delayed clean-up is putting the ruling African National Congress party’s future to the test as a local election approaches
Coal accounts for more than 75% of South Africa’s energy supply, but public and corporate pressure is increasing to change that. Protests erupted across the country last week, and a proposed coal power plant backed by China may now be abandoned