  • False or misleading informations are spread by organizations posing as legitimate media outlets in an attempt to twist public opinion in favor of a certain ideology.
  • On social media,watch out for fake messages,pictures,Videos and news.
  • Always Check Independent Fact Checking Sites if You Have Some Doubts About the Authenticity of Any Information or Picture or video.
  • Check Google Images for AuthThe Google Reverse Images search can helps you.
  • It Would Be Better to Ignore Social Media Messages that are forwarded from Unknown or Little-Known Sources.
  • If a fake message asks you to share something, you can quickly recognize it as fake messege.
  • It is a heinous crime and punishable offence to post obscene, morphed images of women on social media networks, sometimes even in pornographic websites, as retaliation.
  • Deepfakes use artificial intelligence (AI)-driven deep learning software to manipulate preexisting photographs, videos, or audio recordings of a person to create new, fake images, videos, and audio recordings.
  • AI technology has the ability to manipulate media and swap out a genuine person's voice and likeness for similar counter parts.
  • Deepfake creators use this fake substance to spread misinformation and other illegal activities.Deepfakes are frequently used on social networking sites to elicit heated responses or defame opponents.
  • One can identify AI created fake videos by identifying abnormal eye movement, Unnatural facial expressions, a lack of feeling, awkward-looking hand,body or posture,unnatural physical movement or form, unnatural coloring, Unreal-looking hair,teeth that don't appear natural, Blurring, inconsistent audio or noise, images that appear unnatural when slowed down, differences between hashtags blockchain-based digital fingerprints, reverse image searches.
  • Look for details,like stange background,orientation of teeth,handsclothing,asymmetrical facial features,use reverse image search tools.
  • False or misleading informations are spread by organizations posing as legitimate media outlets in an attempt to twist public opinion in favor of a certain ideology.
  • On social media,watch out for fake messages,pictures,Videos and news.
  • Always Check Independent Fact Checking Sites if You Have Some Doubts About the Authenticity of Any Information or Picture or video.
  • Check Google Images for AuthThe Google Reverse Images search can helps you.
  • It Would Be Better to Ignore Social Media Messages that are forwarded from Unknown or Little-Known Sources.
  • If a fake message asks you to share something, you can quickly recognize it as fake messege.
  • It is a heinous crime and punishable offence to post obscene, morphed images of women on social media networks, sometimes even in pornographic websites, as retaliation.
  • Deepfakes use artificial intelligence (AI)-driven deep learning software to manipulate preexisting photographs, videos, or audio recordings of a person to create new, fake images, videos, and audio recordings.
  • AI technology has the ability to manipulate media and swap out a genuine person's voice and likeness for similar counter parts.
  • Deepfake creators use this fake substance to spread misinformation and other illegal activities.Deepfakes are frequently used on social networking sites to elicit heated responses or defame opponents.
  • One can identify AI created fake videos by identifying abnormal eye movement, Unnatural facial expressions, a lack of feeling, awkward-looking hand,body or posture,unnatural physical movement or form, unnatural coloring, Unreal-looking hair,teeth that don't appear natural, Blurring, inconsistent audio or noise, images that appear unnatural when slowed down, differences between hashtags blockchain-based digital fingerprints, reverse image searches.
  • Look for details,like stange background,orientation of teeth,handsclothing,asymmetrical facial features,use reverse image search tools.

Tag: South Africa

February 17, 2024

African Elections Not Off to Good...

With nearly 20 countries slated to hold general or presidential elections in 2024, it will be a busy year for elections in Africa. However, as VOA’s Nairobi Bureau Chief Mariama Diallo, two nations have already postponed elections, while another has reelected a former military ruler for thr fourth term.These developments show that the democratic process is not off to a good start.

February 3, 2024

South Africa’s Kalahari Arts and Heritage...

Targeting the almost extinct San and Khoi population, the 2024 Kalahari Arts and Heritage Festival in the Northern Cape, South Africa, was seen as a success by both organizers and attendees.

January 2, 2024

Cities Across Africa Welcome 2024

With fireworks, celebrations, and excitement of what lay ahead, people from all across the world welcomed in the year 2024. Anthony LaBruto of VOA looks at how New Year’s is being celebrated around the world, from the famous Times Square ball drop in New York City to the continent of Africa.

October 8, 2023

Crime Spikes in South Africa Due...

Due to its Witwatersrand Basin goldfields, Johannesburg, South Africa, which was founded in 1886 after gold was discovered, eventually became the world’s largest producer of the precious metal throughout the 20th century. However, many of the old mines have closed, and their places have been taken by small-scale illegal miners and an array of social issues.

May 2, 2023

Selling Cuddles in South Africa

The first paid platonic intimacy service in South Africa has gained popularity among the country’s citizens. According to experts, there are many reasons why the cuddling business is booming, including isolation during the COVID pandemic, which impacted South Africa hardest, and stress from the country’s struggling economy.

April 28, 2023

Antivenom Shortage Caused by South Africa’s...

South African snake experts argue that the energy crisis is partly to blame for the sub-Saharan African region’s antivenom shortage, which has resulted in at least three deaths over the past three weeks. South Africa provides antivenom to the region, but frequent power cuts have made it more difficult to preserve the refrigerated supplies.

April 25, 2023

Court Blocks Small Town in South...

After a court decided against the town’s use of an independent solar electricity producer instead of the country’s utility, Eskom, the little town of Frankfort, South Africa, would experience fresh power outages.

March 1, 2023

South Africa:Solar Powered Cinema Inspires African...

With solar-powered, portable cinema, a South African organisation is providing youth in impoverished African nations with access to films.

February 1, 2023

Policeman Among Six Arrest for Hijacking...

A 43-year-old police sergeant was amongst six suspects who were arrested on Monday for possession of a suspected stolen vehicle and two hijacked truck trailers in Clewer, Emalahleni.

January 10, 2023

Racial Incidents Tarnish the Tourism Industry

South African tourism minister Lindiwe Sisulu says acts of racism are a blight on the South African tourism sector.
