The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has left a sour taste in the mouths of South African citrus producers, who are facing millions of dollars in losses as a result of sanctions that have blocked off the Russian market. Farmers are scrambling to find new markets before the fruit spoils in South Africa, which is the world’s second largest citrus exporter
Nearly 6,000 orphans have been evacuated from Ukraine’s war zone. They can’t be adopted during the war, according to Ukrainian law
What has been uncovered in the Ukrainian town of Bucha after Russian forces retreated has stunned the globe. Residents and police are discovering mass graves, burned-out vehicles, and destroyed buildings as they investigate the devastation
Ukraine has reclaimed the northern city of Chernihiv after a month-long Russian siege. Residents are anxious, saying they expect to be attacked again after a rocket attack in the east killed dozens of people
A missile strike on a railway station in Ukraine killed more than 50 civilians, including children, and injured dozens more, according to Kyiv, which blamed Russian forces. Moscow denies any involvement with the incident. The incident has been condemned by the United Nations. Slovakia, a NATO member, has dispatched a missile defence system to Ukraine
The war in Ukraine has put a strain on Istanbul’s stores, which were once teeming with Russian and Ukrainian shoppers. Food and fuel prices in Turkey are also rising as a result of the war
Millions of Ukrainians have fled their homes since Russia’s invasion began, leaving behind thousands of animals in shelters and zoos. It is now up to dozens of volunteers and international organisations to look after them. The account is told by Mariia Prus, but first, a word of caution
Another gruesome atrocity has occurred at a Ukrainian children’s summer camp. Bodies with bullet holes in their heads were found in a cellar with their wrists tied behind their backs. It was a war crime committed by Russian forces, according to Ukrainian authorities
After Russian soldiers evacuated from the area, VOA’s Heather Murdock files this VOSR about civil deaths and destruction found in the Kyiv suburb of Bucha
Residents said they arie horrified by the dead and destruction left in the wake of Russia’s pullout from towns surrounding Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital. Evidence suggests that Russia has committed war crimes, according to the Ukrainian government