A brutal military-led campaign of violence targeting the Rohingya in Rakhine state in 2017 left thousands dead and drove more than 740,000 others across the border to Bangladesh where they now reside in sprawling displacement camps
Several repatriation attempts by Myanmar and Bangladesh governments have failed. The U.N. refugee agency, UNHCR, said that none of those interviewed among the 3,450 people cleared for repatriation in the most recent attempt were willing to go back to Myanmar because they were concerned over their security
Access to education in Bangladesh’s Rohingya refugee camps is limited at the early primary school level. So alternative lifeskills training is being offered to help fill the gap. Teenage refugees are being taught skills that will help them earn money and cope with daily difficulties
Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees were seriously traumatized when Burmese troops launched a brutal “clearance operation” in August 2017 that forced them to flee Myanmar for neighboring Bangladesh
Myanmar’s civilian government and powerful military have rejected the findings of U.N. and other independent investigations of the events of August 2017 and have done little to hold anyone accountable for the violent campaign to expel the Rohingya
Some 700,000 ethnic Rohingyas have fled Myanmar for Bangladesh following a brutal military crackdown that began in August 2017 in northwest Rakhine state. But for the more than 120,000 Rohingya who remained in Myanmar, life is grim and many fear for their future. From reporting done in Myanmar’s Rakhine state