Myanmar’s air force bombed a wedding party for two pro-democracy fighters on Tuesday, killing at least 10 people, members of the anti-junta force in the Magway region told Radio Free Asia.
Two hundred Chinese nationals were due to be flown to their homeland on Thursday in aircraft laid on by their government after leaving online fraud centers in an eastern Myanmar district on the border with Thailand, Thai officials said.
Myanmar’s military government has released from prison nearly 1,000 members of the mostly Muslim Rohingya minority, a human rights group said on Monday, a rare gesture of goodwill towards the persecuted community.
Myanmar junta forces torched nearly 200 homes in the northwestern region of Sagaing, the latest incident in a campaign to punish communities that support insurgents that has seen more than 100,000 homes burned since a 2021 coup, residents and a monitoring group said on Wednesday.
The hospital is funded almost entirely by donations. After four years of war, fundraising is becoming more difficult, Yori said. That raises the stakes for the Interim Executive Council, or IEC, the rebel-formed state government trying to simultaneously meet the needs of Kayah citizens.
Myanmar airstrikes on a northwestern village and camp for internally displaced people killed 12 people, including four children, and wounded more than a dozen, an insurgent militia and residents told Radio Free Asia.
Four years after the coup against a democratic government that plunged Myanmar into civil war, the military has inflicted terrible suffering on civilians. Torching of villages, indiscriminate air strikes and stomach-churning atrocities have become commonplace. Even the military’s own rank and file are paying a price.
Ethnic rebels on Monday seized an airport in northern Myanmar near the Chinese border, cutting off a supply channel for a key military base in the region, according to residents and rebel sources.
Ethnic Rakhine rebels on Friday confirmed the torture and execution of two prisoners of war from Myanmar’s military after video clips of the killings went viral online.
The Myanmar military killed 28 of its own soldiers and their detained relatives in an airstrike on insurgent positions near an ancient capital in Rakhine state, according to the rebels and a human rights group.