We should be cautious in order to prevent cybercrime, and using a VPN service is a great way to do so while also significantly increasing the protection of personal data.Never make private data available online.Always be cautious when sending photos online, especially to new people and chat friends because there have been instances where photos have been used improperly.
Cyber trolling often pro government cyber trollers around the World including India are basically anti social behaviour online.
If you find an unauthorised transaction on your account, take these steps. Call your bank. According to Reserve Bank of India (RBI) rules, if an illegal transaction is detected right away, the bank will reimburse the lost money if it determines that the account holder is not at victims’s fault.Report a police or fraud.
In order to deceive innocent people, cybercriminals use fear to generate fear in their targets. The newest tactic used to deceive unsuspecting victims is to capitalize on the public’s innate fear of law enforcement, including the police and government officials.
Phishing websites are frequently created by cybercriminals to seem a lot like real bank websites. They then circulate these fake links using SMS, social media, email, and SMS. Never click on links that you are unfamiliar with or unvarified.
Sextortion is a type of online abuse in which a cybercriminal seduces a victim into an intimate video or audio chat with the intent of forcing them to pose nude or obtaining intimate images from them. The cybercriminal may use various channels, including instant messaging apps, SMS, online dating apps, social media platforms or pornographic …