Authorities in the XUAR regularly detain those they accuse of being “two-faced officials”—a term applied by the government to ethnic minority cadres or other officials who pay lip service to Communist Party rule, but secretly chafe against state policies repressing members of their ethnic group
Sevil Mammadova, whose grandson Raul Suleymanov was sentenced to four years in prison on charges including mass disorder, violence against representatives of the state, and drug-related offenses, said he was tortured as well
The flotilla met Thunberg at the Verrazano Narrows Bridge and accompanied her to North Cove Harbor in Manhattan to show appreciation and solidarity for her mission to mobilize support for action to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 13, “Climate Action,” as well as the other 16 goals for a better world by 2030, unanimously adopted by world leaders at the United Nations in 2015
Wearing purple ribbons in solidarity with the victims, the protesters listened to reports of sexual harassment and assault, while organizers also screened footage of a woman being partially stripped of her clothing during the course of her arrest in Tin Shui Wai earlier this month
A website linked to former Hong Kong chief executive Leung Chun-ying is offering rewards of up to HK$1 million for information leading to the prosecution of people linked to specific anti-government protests over the past two months.
Rinso, a resident of Thangkor township’s Village No. 3 in Dzoege county, a part of Tibet’s historical eastern region of Kham, was held for just over a week and then released…
The majoritarian system is “characteristic for Asian countries, where the party system itself is not developed, and any party is built around a certain personality. The proportional model is fully consistent with the best global democratic practice….
Myanmar’s civilian government and powerful military have rejected the findings of U.N. and other independent investigations of the events of August 2017 and have done little to hold anyone accountable for the violent campaign to expel the Rohingya
Energetic and passionate about her job, Suzan Kiden was among those digging the demolition hole. Confident that her work saves lives, she expressed hope to see her country free from landmines and unexploded ordnance
Family members told journalists that the victim — who is in his sixties — lost control of his bladder during the assault and was told to “drink your own piss” by one officer after they removed his clothing