The sudden uptick in registrations – and some particularly egregious cases – have been discussed in parliament. Abrakhmanova, of the election commission, has written on social media that one building in Osh had 1,300 people registered at the address. She said it was not possible to divulge information about the landlord at the property in question because of privacy laws
The votes for Ghani represent 9.6% of the registered electorate, said Thomas Ruttig of the Afghanistan Analysts Network, while those for Abdullah 7.5%. While enjoying so little consensus, each of the two candidates claims a legitimate victory, further polarizing the political landscape
Myanmar views the Rohingya as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and systematically discriminates against them by denying them citizenship, freedom of movement, and access to jobs, health care, and education
The investigators have claimed that the duo, along with an accomplice who often helped them and who also has been arrested, had been running a sleaze racket in the city and they had filmed 182 women in compromising positions over the last six years and used the videos to extort money from them.
Hun Sen stated that the women are eroding Cambodian cultural values and that such behaviour is to blame for sexual violence. The Prime Minister further ordered government authorities to find these women and “educate” them, suggesting that it has the ability to track them down based on their online activity
During the jihadist occupation and in the conflict phases which ended in December 2017 with the Iraqi armed forces reconquering Mosul, the church of St Thomas had suffered serious damage to the external walls and the internal colonnade that separates the naves. The symbolic extent of the restoration of the church of St Thomas was highlighted in a UNESCO statement, which describes the Christian place of worship as an emblem of the history of Mosul
Horses have great symbolic power in North Korean mythology and political culture, culminating in Chollima, a mythical winged horse that has inspired statues in the country’s cities and appeared on currency and postage stamps
Confirmed cases of coronavirus infection in Sichuan’s Tawu county are continuing to climb, with three new cases reported on Wednesday bringing the total to 60, all of them ethnic Tibetans, sources in the region say
Students are distributed in 4 classrooms, led by local teachers. Classes begin in the morning, around 8 am and end in the afternoon around 4 pm”. This is what Father Matteo Sanavio, priest of the Congregation of Rogationist Fathers and contact person of the “Pro Bambini di Kabul” Association, tells Agenzia Fides
After a temporary ban on the app last year by Madras High Court, the app is back in India after a fried hiatus. And if user numbers of 2019 is anything to go by, TikTok is set to become more popular