When a dog followed a goose out onto a frozen lake and fell through the thin ice, a New Jersey police officer rescued the dog.According to the Hazlet Township Police Department, Taffy, the dog, was out on a walk with her owner in Veteran’s Park when she chased a goose and her human loosened the dog’s leash.
A charity in the United States with headquarters in Jersey City, New Jersey, is raising funds and collecting donations to help the building of a special bomb shelter at a boarding school for deaf and hearing-impaired children in Lviv,Ukraine
Over a month after the controversial Supreme Court decision that struck down a New York gun safety law requiring a licence to carry concealed guns in public, the debate is still going on
“Defund the Police” has become the slogan shouted out by Black Lives Matter demonstrators over the last few weeks in the U.S. But how or even whether to implement that demand is stirring debate and controversy. In Camden, New Jersey, the police department was dismantled and re-structured seven years ago to more closely involve the community