Russia’s invasion became hostages, while other children were deported to Russia where they were made to participate in adoption and reeducation programs. From Kiev, Anna Chernikova reportd from Kyiv Ukraine’s on Ukraine’s efforts to bring them home
Orthodox priests in Ukraine are finding themselves trying to serve their church and support their state, even when those two are at adds as Orthodox Christians get ready to celebrate Easter on May 5.
Officials say that two years after Russia’s full-scale invasion, Ukraine is one of the most mined countries in the world.
According to Ukrainian officials, since Russia launched its campaign, more than 200 libraries have been destroyed and about 400 have been damaged.Lesia
Animal rights groups and political leaders in Ukraine are honoring volunteers and activists who save and care for animals affected by the war. Among those being acknowledged is Maria Vronska [[pron: VRON- skah]].
As Russia’s war on Ukraine in its third year, Celia Mendoza of VOA shares her experiences reporting from the front lines in Ukraine and interacting with those affected by the war.
Ukraine is facing a shortage of soldiers and ammunition over two years after Russia invaded the country. As a result, a growing number of Ukrainian women are joining the armed forces and girls are opting to train to become officers.
The invasion of Russia of Ukraine has resulted in an increased danger for many at risk patients, particularly young cancer patients.Yet, some Ukrainian children are receiving care worldwide thanks to the efforts of a Ukrainian charity that collaborates with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in the United States
On the second anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Anna Chernikova reports from Kyiv.
In 2022, when Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the country’s economy shrank by 29%. Millions of people were also displaced, enterprises in Ukraine were destroyed and exports were halted. Officials from Ukraine, however, say that the GDP grew by 5% in 2023.