The dethronement of Mill Ends Park is official. Portland’s 452-square-inch park is no longer the smallest park in the world, according to Guinness World Records. The title is now held in Nagaizumi, Japan, on a tiny plot of brick and grass.
Aaryan Shukla, a 14-year-old Maharashtra, India, prodigy, stunned a sizable crowd on the set of Guinness Book of World Records Italian TV series Lo Show Dei Record by setting the record for the fastest time to mentally add 50 five-digit numbers.In just 25.19 seconds, he completed that, which is almost one addition per 0.5 seconds.
Traveling the world, the “World’s Tallest Man” Sultan Kösen, who is 2.51 meters (8 ft.) tall and resides in Mardin,Turkey, is hoping to continue traveling the world with the help of his specially designed size 60 shoes from Germany.