Cyber trolling often pro government cyber trollers around the World including India are basically anti social behaviour online.
Amnesty International provide some important steps how to protect you from cyber trolling: Threats of violence, discrimination, harassment, doxxing (disclosing personal or identifying documents), and the unauthorised sharing of sexually explicit and private images are just a few examples of the various ways that abuse can be committed online.
In Pakistan, Nadia Mirza is a well-known journalist. However, her high-profile status does not protect her from online trolls who threaten and target her skills and apperance.According to analysts,the treatment of women in media is a global issue.
Philippine court has found a video blogger guilty of online sexual harassment in the first ruling under a new law in the country where politicians often intimidate women online.
Anti-Asian Violence Has Recently Made Headlines Across The United States, But Anti-Asian Sentiment Is Increasingly Rising Online
Various studies suggest that one in three internet users around the world is a child. But to protect children from tge negative effects of cyber world is a huge challenge
Online harassment, including crude comments on pictures or sexual references, teaches boys that it is okay to treat girls as sexual objects and to exercise power over them, which can lead to physical abuse and rape, she added
Always remember pedophiles are active in cyber world they may get in touch with children by using fake profile and hide their age
If any person harassing a woman through Internet, email or any other electronic communication is stated as an offence under Section 354D IPC
Don’t send explicit messages or post pictures or videos of a person in a compromising position/private moments with out permission