Rights groups say there are concerns that Wang may have been subjected to torture or other mistreatment in detention, as he was detained incommunicado for such a long period of time
Nikolai Kavkazsky, an opposition Yabloko activist who has served time on political charges, agrees, saying, “Russia’s entire penitentiary system is built on violence.”
Over the past two weeks, approximately 125 women and girls had sought medical treatment after having been raped or sexually assaulted in a ten-day period as they walked along roads near Nhialdu and Guit on their way to Bentiu
Authorities say agents of the National Intelligence Directorate lured the communists to a residence in 1976 and then took them to a notorious prison where they were tortured
All three were convicted to death on Moharebeh charge (waging war against God) for armed robbery. The first defendant was also accused of killing a policeman
The tribunal judging the criminal responsibility of former Khmer Rouge leaders for the deaths of an estimated 1.7 million Cambodians will issue verdicts Friday in the latest — and perhaps last — of such trials. Nuon Chea, 92, and Khieu Samphan, 87, are the last two surviving senior leaders of the radical communist group that …
Continue reading “Verdicts on Khmer Rouge Leaders Likely Tribunal’s Last”
The mysterious death of Rizwanur Rehman, a bright young graphic designer in Calcutta, one of the several murder mysteries that are still unresolved in India
Throughout, Aung San Suu Kyi has been internationally criticized for her silence. When she finally spoke out, she dismissed and downplayed the accusations and the military’s role
As of September 2018, BNP2TKI had received 18 complaints of physical or sexual violence by employers. Last year, there were 55 complaints
An Iraqi refugee woman in Syria became paralyzed after her husband was killed by Islamic State militants