China says that the number of HMPV infections is declining in the country’s north.International concerns about a new pandemic were sparked by reports of a rise in respiratory diseases in China. However, medical professionals claim HMPV is not at all like COVID-19.
American Red Cross has declared a severe shortage.Bad weather, seasonal illnesses, and COVID-19 have contributed to a 40% decrease in the country’s donor pool.Angelina Bagdasaryan visited a blood donation station in Los Angeles and talked with some of the donors.
Despite the fact that China fully opened its doors to foreign visitors in March, the number of tourists there is still just a small fraction of what it was before to the coronavirus pandemic. Reporting from London, Henry Ridgwell on why vacationers are reluctant to return.
India’s months long COVID-19 shutdown of schools has inspired new ways to teach students without access to online classes because they don’t have smart phones, computers or even internet connectivity
Of all the changes the COVID Pandemic has forced on the world, the sense of isolation can be one of the most challenging. And it turns out that according to psychologists who study the effects of isolation on mental health, all that social distancing has literally made us socially distant
The pandemic is making people think of unique entertainment ideas – especially those who know how difficult it is to keep children busy during quarantine. Virginia resident Andrea Diaz, who grew up in Peru, came up with an unusual way to keep everyone entertained
Arif Husain, Chief Economist at World Food Programme (WFP), briefs reporters on the Secretary-General’s policy brief on the impact of COVID-19 on food security and nutrition,9 June 2020
Zuhura Hassan is a mother in Tanzania struggling to keep her son safe during the pandemic. Zuhura’s son, a 5-year-old boy named Hayyan Hamoud, is one of the estimated 11,000 Tanzanian children who are born with sickle cell disease each year. SCD is a blood disorder that leads to immunity deficiency. This puts Hayyan Hammnd into a high-risk group that could become more severely compromised by COVID-19 should it infect him
Meet frontline health workers who go back on the job even after they survive COVID-19
Russia’s regional governments are under growing pressure to end the coronavirus lockdowns across the vast country as businesses increasingly warn of an economic catastrophe