A few years ago, Chonticha “Lookkate” Jangrew braved tear gas and rubber bullets on the front lines of protests calling for reform of Thailand’s monarchy and its military-scripted constitution.
Bangladesh-based Rohingya who were taken to Myanmar’s Rakhine state Friday to see preparations for refugee repatriation said they wouldn’t return without citizenship rights, recognition of their Rohingya identity, and a guarantee that they could resettle in their home villages.
Bangladesh is moving full steam ahead with a China-backed project to begin repatriating Rohingya to Myanmar, a plan that Human Rights Watch warned would put the lives of the persecuted refugees at “grave risk.”
Sparring between Thailand’s two main pro-democracy parties may undermine their common goal of defeating the military-inclined ruling establishment in the May 14 general election, analysts said.
Bangladesh leader Sheikh Hasina met with World Bank officials in Washington on Monday, state media reported, in a visit that analysts described as an attempt to gain the lending institution’s support for her country’s distressed economy in an election year.
A woman who was arrested this week may have killed 13 people with cyanide, Thai police said Friday as they announced premeditated murder charges against her in two of the cases of lethal poisoning.
In the decade since the Rana Plaza disaster, local and international labor advocates acknowledge that safety in Bangladesh’s garment factories has improved.
Bangladesh will use the Chinese yuan to repay a U.S. $318 million loan owed to the state-owned Russian firm Rosatom so construction can continue on a nuclear power plant in the country, a company official said.
As Thailand gears up for elections, a former titan of the sex industry who flirted with politics and transformed himself into a gadfly going after the rich and powerful is back as a crusader against corruption.
Until recently, China was the world’s top macaque supplier. But in a bid to protect its own vaccine development efforts, Beijing banned their export, leaving Cambodia as the number-one source for a global research industry that was suddenly facing a severe shortfall.