Amnesty International provide some important steps how to protect you from cyber trolling: Threats of violence, discrimination, harassment, doxxing (disclosing personal or identifying documents), and the unauthorised sharing of sexually explicit and private images are just a few examples of the various ways that abuse can be committed online.
For the first time during a continual war, the human rights organization Amnesty International has accused Israel of committing acts of genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza.
Amnesty International claimed in a new study released today that the Nepali government is not doing enough to shield Dalits, especially women and girls, from widespread and systemic caste-based discrimination.
Two decades after the disappearance of human rights lawyer Somchai Neelapaijit, his case continues to reverberate in Thailand.Somchai’s abduction from a Bangkok Street sparked a long campaign for stricter anti-torture legislation – which was finally passed in 2022
In October 2023, Amnesty International published the report Don’t worry, it’s a branch of Amazon. It documents how contracted workers in Amazon warehouses in Saudi Arabia were deceived by recruitment agents and labour supply companies, cheated of their earnings, housed in appalling conditions and prevented from finding alternative employment or leaving the country.
Thai authorities used coercive tactics and spied on children and teen activists to dissuade them from participating in anti-government protests in 2020-22, human rights watchdog group Amnesty International said in a report released Wednesday.
Marking the 6 February Global Day of Solidarity with Native American activist Leonard Peltier, Amnesty International reiterates its call on President Biden to immediately grant Mr. Peltier clemency.
Amnesty International calls for the relevant authorities to conduct prompt, impartial and effective investigations so that the acts of this Sunday, 8 January, are appropriately investigated and sanctioned.
The Russian armed forces’ continued attacks against Ukraine’s critical energy infrastructure, are a blatant violation of international humanitarian law and are endangering the lives of civilians with freezing temperatures setting in, Amnesty International said today, as it calls for Russia to end its unlawful targeted assaults on civilian infrastructure.
Hana Young, Deputy Regional Director for Amnesty International, responded to widespread protests that were unprecedented in recent years by saying the tragedy of the Urumqi fire has inspired remarkable bravery across China