Revered DRC Opposition Leader’s Body Arrives in Kinshasa for Funeral and other Stories across African Continent
Strikers in Sudan Push Military to Cede Power and other stories across African Continent
Kenya’s highest court ruled Friday that a colonial-era law banning same-sex relations should remain in place and other Stories Across Africa
Southern Angola faces the worst drought in decades, says the United Nations Children’s Fund, with at least 2.3 million people facing high risk of a food security crisis and malnutrition. Elizabete Casimiro narrates this report by Herculano Coroado, who traveled to Cunene Province, Angola, for this report
Information technologies are changing the lives of many Cameroonian farmers, who previously were dependent on brokers, who charged fees to serve as middlemen to purchasers
Sudan: Army rulers and protest leaders agree on a three-year transition period for transferring power to a full civilian administration and other stories across African continent
SudanTMC accuses supporters of ousted President of attempting to sabotage change over to civilian-led government and other stories across African Continent
In Eritrea, many journalists have been held for more than a decade and denied access to lawyers or family members. Despite positive changes in the region in 2018 as Ethiopia and Eritrea declared an end to a 20-year war, the country continues to hold the unenviable title of the worst country in Africa for jailed journalists
Sudan: Thousands again poured into the streets of Khartoum and other news across Africa
South Africa: Flooding and mudslides have killed more than 60 people in Durban and other stories around African Continent