A key European diplomat believes there is still a chance to defuse the growing political crisis in Mali that has seen the country’s interim military government clash repeatedly in recent days with both its neighbors and members of the international community
When marriages break down in male-dominated societies such as Burkina Faso, wives are frequently blamed. However, a World Bank-funded project is experimenting with the idea of sending men to school to learn how to be better husbands
Mali is recognised for its mudbrick Sudano-Sahelian architecture, which can be found in buildings throughout the country, including the capital, Bamako, which is one of Africa’s fastest-growing cities
Tens of thousands of squatters were evicted just before the holidays to make way for a Chinese-backed expressway, according to human rights groups in Kenya
Swedish-Kenyan electric vehicle company, to deploy 3,000 electric motorcycles across Kenya and the surrounding region by 2022
Through Confucius Institute initiatives all around the world, including Africa, the Chinese government promotes Chinese language and culture. Some educators are concerned about censorship in Chinese-funded initiatives, which they believe is taking place
Veganism, which is defined as a diet that excludes the use of animal products. Tomi Makanjuola, a Nigerian-British vegan chef and blogger, shares her experiences as a vegan consumer and activist
Tanzanians are celebrating the 60th anniversary of their independence from the United Kingdom this week, as well as a long journey toward developing their own democratic nation. Tanzania, however, has always been dominated by one party, the Party of the Revolution, despite the fact that it boasts a multiparty system
In the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, violence against women has increased around the world, particularly in South Africa, where half of all women have experienced at least one incident of abuse during their lives. To help prevent the abuse, a local tech firm has developed an alarm system
According to the United Nations, 16.6 million children are forced into illegal labor in Sub-Saharan Africa alone. Despite the fact that child labour is illegal, advocates claim that it is becoming more common. Child labour is currently estimated to affect one out of every ten youngsters around the world