  • False or misleading informations are spread by organizations posing as legitimate media outlets in an attempt to twist public opinion in favor of a certain ideology.
  • On social media,watch out for fake messages,pictures,Videos and news.
  • Always Check Independent Fact Checking Sites if You Have Some Doubts About the Authenticity of Any Information or Picture or video.
  • Check Google Images for AuthThe Google Reverse Images search can helps you.
  • It Would Be Better to Ignore Social Media Messages that are forwarded from Unknown or Little-Known Sources.
  • If a fake message asks you to share something, you can quickly recognize it as fake messege.
  • It is a heinous crime and punishable offence to post obscene, morphed images of women on social media networks, sometimes even in pornographic websites, as retaliation.
  • Deepfakes use artificial intelligence (AI)-driven deep learning software to manipulate preexisting photographs, videos, or audio recordings of a person to create new, fake images, videos, and audio recordings.
  • AI technology has the ability to manipulate media and swap out a genuine person's voice and likeness for similar counter parts.
  • Deepfake creators use this fake substance to spread misinformation and other illegal activities.Deepfakes are frequently used on social networking sites to elicit heated responses or defame opponents.
  • One can identify AI created fake videos by identifying abnormal eye movement, Unnatural facial expressions, a lack of feeling, awkward-looking hand,body or posture,unnatural physical movement or form, unnatural coloring, Unreal-looking hair,teeth that don't appear natural, Blurring, inconsistent audio or noise, images that appear unnatural when slowed down, differences between hashtags blockchain-based digital fingerprints, reverse image searches.
  • Look for details,like stange background,orientation of teeth,handsclothing,asymmetrical facial features,use reverse image search tools.

Tag: African News

July 13, 2022

Kenyan Youth Launch National Peace,Voting Campaign

A nationwide peace and voting campaign has been launched by university students in Kenya in ahead of the election on August 9. According to the organisers, the objective is to persuade young people to vote instead of getting part in electoral violence

July 12, 2022

Somali Livestock Farmers Forced to Live...

Normally, Somalia is one of the main exporters of livestock to the Middle East, particularly around the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha. However, a record drought in the Horn of Africa has killed millions of animals, leaving Somali livestock farmers in a difficult situation—some are even being forced to live in displaced persons’ camps

July 9, 2022

Stolen African donkeys Used to...

You might assume that donkeys are ubiquitous, yet for many people in rural Africa, they are a lifeline. Some countries are now concerned that they may even go extinct. Chinese traditional medicine known as ejiao is made from donkey skins, which are stolen and cruelly butchered by local criminal gangs to supply the market

July 2, 2022

Kenyan Groups Call For Peace Before...

Many fear that the deadly violence seen in previous elections may repeat as Kenya prepares for a highly contested presidential election in August. All parties are urged to uphold peace during this year’s elections by the Kenyan organisation Mothers of Victims and Survivors

July 1, 2022

Zimbabwe Celebrates Completion of its New,Chinese-Built...

At a cost of nearly $200 million, the Chinese government has completed building Zimbabwe’s new parliament building outside the country’s capital, Harare. However, detractors claim there are worries about security and China’s expanding influence. It replaces a colonial-era building

June 25, 2022

Child Marriage: Too Young to Get...

According to the United Nations Children’s Fund, there are 130 million child brides, already-married girls under the age of 18, and women who were married as children but are now adults across Africa. For the protection of girl child, the UN agency has urged African states and regional organisations to outlaw child marriage

June 23, 2022

Teachers And Healthcare Workers in Zimbabwe...

Teachers’ unions in Zimbabwe have joined the country’s health workers in a strike to demand that they be paid in US dollars rather than the local currency, which has drastically declined in value. The majority of government employees in Zimbabwe now make only $55 equivalent per month, or one-tenth of what they did previously

Protest in Malawi Over Chinese Video...

Civic groups in Lilongwe, Malawi, marched in protest over the actions of Chinese national Lu Ke, who was arrested by Zambian authorities after filming a racist video involving local children, calling for him to be tried in the country rather than sent back to China, the Nyasa Times reported on Wednesday

June 17, 2022

Coastal Communities in Ghana to Restore...

According to the United Nations, Ghana has one of the world’s highest rainforest losses, with its trees covering only one-fifth of what they did a century ago. Coastal towns are aiming to plant 200,000 mangrove trees and bushes as part of the government’s Green Ghana programme to help with carbon capture, erosion, and floods

June 11, 2022

Kenya Trains Middle East Domestic Workers...

After years of reported abuses, including beatings, rapes, and deaths, Kenyan officials are now instructing domestic workers sent to the Middle East on their rights. According to authorities,23 such incidents have been reported so far this year, most of which have occurred in Saudi Arabia
