Populist leaders across the World including India have the tendency to termed widely circulated newspapers and popular TV stations as fake news and often defame journalists who are associated with these media outlets.
Various political parties across the World have openly patronized media.
Populist leaders across the World have encouraged local entrepreneurs or industrial houses close to them to buy or take over news channels or newspapers.
The Populist leaders across the World have perfected the art of controlling the media business and they also know how to mislead the public.
TV (News) channels or newspapers who are not exactly market leaders in news try to follow pro-government editorial policy to shore up their revenues even blindly follow government policies, even play the role of unofficial mouthpiece.
Entrepreneurs close to political leaders in different countries like Turkey control the local media business. Their strategy may not pay off, but they have the same goal; keep the government and their political masters in good humor.
The Populist leaders often allege that newspapers and news channels who are market leaders in news, are hand in glove with opposition parties to malign the government.But the fact is nobody likes the truth.
Often Senior journalists of media houses close to ruling political parties continue their path of ‘bias journalism’.
Actually a section of working journalists forget the notion that they should believe in mission of journalism.
Some so called journalist behave like loyal party workers to appease political leaders.
According to International journalists network (Ijnet):
Many U.S. news organizations have policies discouraging journalists from revealing political affiliations outside of work for the sake of safeguarding the organization’s impartiality. For instance, many U.S. newspapers do not allow reporters to voice their opinions publicly, march in demonstrations, volunteer in political campaigns, wear political buttons, or attach bumper stickers to their cars….On the other hand, at many other news organizations around the world, some journalists are essentially advocates for political parties, in many cases hired by a news organization because of their affiliation.
In our opinion, Journalists have every right to promote a certain political view but if they want to make a political carrier, he should or must quit the profession and join politics.
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