One of the most effective tools we use on a daily basis to connect with the people and the world around us is social media.But even with all of its advantages, social media can also be very addictive, diverting our attention from the outside world and keeping us from forming genuine connections and obviously we might be the victims of cyber crime.
We frequently plan to spend only a few minutes on the internet or on Facebook, but after some time later we’re still browsing.According to study, an addiction occurs when a person uses social media or the internet for more than 20 hours per week.
A few minutes after checking our phone or social media, we casually check it again to see if there have been any updates. When we are out interacting with people and use our phone or other device a lot during that time, this might also happen.
Spending more time on social media than with our loved ones can cause them to get agitated or frustrated.Because we use the internet for personal purposes or spend more time on social media than we planned to, we either forget to carry out necessary tasks or fail to finish projects on time resulting poor performance at work or in grades.
There are ways to help ourselves use social media less overall, regardless of whether we are addicted to it or simply use our phone applications more than we should.
Experts suggests uninstall all of smartphone’s social networking apps. Although we can still access them on our laptops,personal computers,avoiding them on phone could help us spend less time on social media in general.Switch off personal phone while working, as well as while we’re at school,college or having fun. Also, change the settings on each social networking app to disable certain notifications.Decide how much time we want to spend on social media each day. Set a timer to help us remember to do things. Keep computer, tablet, and phone out of bedroom.Find a new interest that isn’t connected to technology. Reading books,athletics or joining cooking classes or joining outdoor activities.