If you find an unauthorised transaction on your account, take these steps. Call your bank. According to Reserve Bank of India (RBI) rules, if an illegal transaction is detected right away, the bank will reimburse the lost money if it determines that the account holder is not at victims’s fault.Report a police or fraud. Proceed to new account or card and block current one.Monitor your account and credit.
According to the IT Act,a cybercrime complaint can be filed with any of India’s cyber cells.The process for filing a cybercrime complaint is to submit a written complaint to the city’s cybercrime cell.Victim must provide his/her name, contact information, and mailing address when submitting the cybercrime complaint. In the city where victim is filing the cybercrime complaint,address the written complaint to the head of the cybercrime cell.If you have experienced online harassment, you can report it to the police station.If necessary contact legal expert.
There are some links where you can file complain online: