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Experts like Nathan Bomey express their doubts that despite the efforts of social giants such as Facebook,Twitter to clamp down fake news,it is not possible to eradicate fake news completely because populist leaders like Donald Trump term popular and legitimate media outlets such as CNN,The Washington Post,NBC and others as fake news because it’s the easiest way to defame journalists.Its unfortunate because these media outlets follow journalism excellence.
Even human nature
is that often we want to associate with a group whether it’s what’s app or facebook which promote or share the shame ideology even if we know that certain informations or messages are fabricated or fake we even justified it.
According to experts like Nathan Bomey due to advent of Artificial Intelligence(AI) some companies small or big developing technologies that can lay digitally created script to anybody’s voice even words,sentences never said by the person.Even they are developing a technology which can create fake video footage,images,audios like originals.
In India also populist leaders and their cronies often blame journalists and media houses with ridicules charges for example in rallies they spread venom against specific Media houses who are opposing government policies-hey look we refused them this or that land so they are against us.Like journalism,politics seeks a popular audience Is it so simple? Without any proof, is it possible for media outlets to make a wild allegation against anybody specially powerful ones?Section 499 of the IPC is clearly here.Why political leaders are not interested in defamation suits?Obviously now a days if media as a fourth pillar of democracy wants to act as a watch dog of ruling party’s government policies then be prepared for character assassination or bizarre allegation even death threats await for you in social media like Pranay Roy,Barkha Dutt,Rajdeep Sardesai