Beware of Fake News or Fake Photos/Videos Relating to Communal Hatred.They generally use out of context or manipulated photos, videos to promote their agenda.You can use Google Images’ reverse search to find manipulated or out-of-context pictures.Just go to google images. Then click to camera image at the right side. Drag an image there or upload a file or paste the image URL link. You can find the actual date of the image.Generally old pictures or videos,manipulated pictures videos,scripted videos are circulated on social media on various sensitive issues to twist public opinion in favor of certain ideology.
There are several websites who can scan photos to identify fake pictures or videos. Metadata can also reveal the originality of a picture.The authenticity of any video can also be determined through a reverse image search of keyframes from social media platform videos.
Most of the messages or informations available on social media quote different organizations like WHO, UNICEF, UNDP,Cambridge University or other well known institutes,organizations or individual to authenticate messeges.Check official websites of these organizations if informations are repeated there.
Forwarding messages from unknown sources or little known sources, it would be better to ignore these.These type of messages are full of Grammatical mistakes and spelling mistakes which are quite uncommon in original messages.
Some fake messages or fake screenshots pretend to be real one like unofficial social media handles of international media organizations like BBC,CNN,Washinton Post, New York Times or various Indian Media Outlets-check the official Twitter handles of media outlets.You can identify fake messages if the messages request you to share.