Cornish Rex cats are entirely distinct from other breeds due to their smooth, curly coats and slender, graceful bodies. These adorable cats are lively and energetic.
Kallibunker, a kitten with the most curly, finest hair, was born in Cornwall, UK, in the 1950s was the original Cornish Rex. A robust, healthy breed was created by successfully breeding Kallibunker or shortly Kalli with Siamese, Burmese, British Shorthairs, and other breeds.
The Lifespan of this cat breed around 11 to 15 years, average weight between 2.7 to 4.5 kg.These cats have soft, short coats with tight curls. These waves, which vary in size and depth, blanket the Cornish Rex’s body.
Despite having a single undercoat, the Cornish Rex is more prone to harsh weather conditions due to its delicate, wavy coat that lacks protective hairs.Active, intelligent, and amazing, Cornish Rex cats are hyperactive cats always want to play.