We all know that journalism is the fourth pillar of democracy. It’s the duty of a journalist to act as a watchdog of the government. It is the duty of a journalist to keep a watch on the ruling government’s work and question the authority for matters of national importance.
Experts think the public’s trust in traditional media is eroding. Democracies are in danger because of the public’s declining faith in the media. Some people have misused social and digital platforms to deceive, mislead, or defame others by creating and sharing fake news and disinformation, rather than using digital tools to aware people and raise public discussion.
Though the freedom of speech and expression guaranteed by article 19(1)(a) of the Indian Constitution,this freedom does not give us the right to offend people’s sensitivities, particularly religious sensibilities.
Although not a new phenomena, internet trolling has significantly increased in recent years. Paid trolling is the organised propagation of “disinformation” online, a subset of misinformation that is purposefully false and misleading. It offers quick and cheap ways for governments, political groups, and tech companies to discredit their opponents.
Beware of Fake News or Fake Photos/Videos Relating to Communal Hatred.They generally use out of context or manipulated photos, videos to promote their agenda. agenda.You can use Google Images’ reverse search to find manipulated or out-of-context pictures.Just go to google images.
what is the source of the video or photograph? Who wrote the comment and what was the motivation for posting it.Does the source have the legal right to the material posted? Did that person take the photograph or capture the video?Has the photograph or video been manipulated?