Black cats, candles, mysterious ingredients and ancient books. It’s not a scene from a scary Hollywood movie, just a few of the items passers-by will see through the shop window of a New York boutique that specializes in witchcraft and magic
From Our Archive Muslims and Christians in a small town in southern Niger have been worshipping in the same compound for more than 60 years. VOA Hausa Service reporter Haruna Mammane Bako brings us a story of religious tolerance narrated by Mahmud Lalo~VOA NEWS
The city’s riverside booksellers are campaigning for special recognition by the United Nation’s cultural agency. At stake, some say, is sheer survival
Islamic-style banking is on the rise worldwide, showing especially strong growth in Africa recently, according to the rating agency Moody’s
Always remember the journalism mantra that if your mother says she loves you, out.Check and recheck before consuming any information.from.the internet
Many teens are trying to do something about it: 52 percent said they have cut back on the time they spend on their phones and 57 percent did the same with social media
Here some interesting facts about presidents of various African countries
Portugal was again unique in this category, with 60 percent of those who would accept a Muslim family member saying they supported having no restrictions on clothing
Online harassment, including crude comments on pictures or sexual references, teaches boys that it is okay to treat girls as sexual objects and to exercise power over them, which can lead to physical abuse and rape, she added
The latest numbers are lower than those in WHO’s last report on global alcohol consumption, published in 2014