Becca Stevens has dedicated her life to helping women escape prostitution, addiction and trafficking.
Tears contain oil, Wolffsohn explained, and your eyes should always have a thin layer of tears
Activists want India’s rape law which provides an exemption for sexual intercourse by a man with his wife if she is more than 15 years old to be declared unconstitutional as it discriminates against married women and girls
RTDNA guidelines says Professional electronic journalists should operate as trustees of the public, seek the truth, report it fairly and with integrity and independence, and stand accountable for their actions
ion in Srinagar, Kashmir, is helping Indian parents and couples lower the financial burden by organizing marriage events where more than 100 couples tie the knot
In the violence-wracked, Kashmir in India, photojournalists have been capturing the daily lives of people and telling their stories to the outside world for many years
A new law limiting alcohol in Turkmenistan has just gone into effect. Here are examples of other countries that also prohibit alcohol to some extent
Spike in Halal Meat Industry in US Shows Non-Muslims Are Also Buying
Nevertheless, the general public still harasses and abuses them, and families often shun them. Discrimination in the workplace has forced some into prostitution and others to kill themselves
The southeast African country of Malawi has no film schools and no cinemas. But self-taught Malawi directors have still won international prizes for their films