With its jet-black coat and dazzling golden eyes, the Bombay cat is a muscular cat that resembles a tiny panther. These are gregarious, amiable hybrid cats that are a cross between the American shorthair and Burmese breeds.
In Louisville, Kentucky, a breeder created the Bombay with the objective of creating a “parlour panther,” or jet-black cat with magnificent copper eyes and a lean, muscular physique.Typically, females weigh between 8 and 12 pounds, while males weigh more over 12 pounds.The lifespan of a Bombay cat is between 10 and 18 years.
Bombay cat has a soft or quiet voice.Their characteristics are laid back, gets along with children and dogs that are cat-friendly Strong ties with family are formed by affectionate Enjoys jumping and being in high areas. like playing games in general.