  • False or misleading informations are spread by organizations posing as legitimate media outlets in an attempt to twist public opinion in favor of a certain ideology.
  • On social media,watch out for fake messages,pictures,Videos and news.
  • Always Check Independent Fact Checking Sites if You Have Some Doubts About the Authenticity of Any Information or Picture or video.
  • Check Google Images for AuthThe Google Reverse Images search can helps you.
  • It Would Be Better to Ignore Social Media Messages that are forwarded from Unknown or Little-Known Sources.
  • If a fake message asks you to share something, you can quickly recognize it as fake messege.
  • It is a heinous crime and punishable offence to post obscene, morphed images of women on social media networks, sometimes even in pornographic websites, as retaliation.
  • Deepfakes use artificial intelligence (AI)-driven deep learning software to manipulate preexisting photographs, videos, or audio recordings of a person to create new, fake images, videos, and audio recordings.
  • AI technology has the ability to manipulate media and swap out a genuine person's voice and likeness for similar counter parts.
  • Deepfake creators use this fake substance to spread misinformation and other illegal activities.Deepfakes are frequently used on social networking sites to elicit heated responses or defame opponents.
  • One can identify AI created fake videos by identifying abnormal eye movement, Unnatural facial expressions, a lack of feeling, awkward-looking hand,body or posture,unnatural physical movement or form, unnatural coloring, Unreal-looking hair,teeth that don't appear natural, Blurring, inconsistent audio or noise, images that appear unnatural when slowed down, differences between hashtags blockchain-based digital fingerprints, reverse image searches.
  • Look for details,like stange background,orientation of teeth,handsclothing,asymmetrical facial features,use reverse image search tools.

Author: crimeandmoreworld - News Desk

March 2, 2025

Using Social Media, People Spread Fake...

Experts think the public’s trust in traditional media is eroding. Democracies are in danger because of the public’s declining faith in the media. Some people have misused social and digital platforms to deceive, mislead, or defame others by creating and sharing fake news and disinformation, rather than using digital tools to aware people and raise public discussion.

March 1, 2025

After Triplets Born,Father Asks for Help

A poor vendor in Nigeria’s Lagos State’s Mushin neighborhood, on Friday Aloh is in dire need of financial support to help with hospital expenses after his wife gave birth to triplets at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital in Idi-Araba on Tuesday. Already, they have twins.

Estrela Mountain Dog

Originating in the rough environment of Portugal’s Serra da Estrela mountains, the Estrela Mountain Dog is a large livestock guardian breed. Another name for them is the Cão da Serra da Estrela. Among Portugal’s oldest dog breeds, these strong canines have long been devoted friends and fierce guardians of livestock in their native country.

How Jamtara Gang Works

One of the most well-known cybercrimes in India is the Jamtara scam, which started when a small Jharkhand district became the focal point of phishing scams. It manipulates young gangs to get personal financial information such as bank account information by generating OTP, PIN and defrauds thousands of innocent victims identity as a customer support representative. Nationwide, such scams result in enormous financial losses and highlights weaknesses in India’s law and cyber security frameworks.

Chad’s Groundbreaking Asylum Law Allows Sudanese...

After almost a million Sudanese refugees fled to Chad to escape what the US has described as a genocide in Darfur, the country has taken an unusual step of allowing them work. Refugees are rebuilding their lives due to the new asylum law, and Chadian business owners are offering what little employment they can.

February 28, 2025

New Jersey Dog Chases a Goose...

When a dog followed a goose out onto a frozen lake and fell through the thin ice, a New Jersey police officer rescued the dog.According to the Hazlet Township Police Department, Taffy, the dog, was out on a walk with her owner in Veteran’s Park when she chased a goose and her human loosened the dog’s leash.

Keep in Mind Certain Things Before...

Around the world, different snake species can be found in habitats with varying humidity and temperatures. If you choose a certain snake specie, you should become familiar with the ideal cage temperature and humidity level.

Freedom of Speech is Not Absolute

Though the freedom of speech and expression guaranteed by article 19(1)(a) of the Indian Constitution,this freedom does not give us the right to offend people’s sensitivities, particularly religious sensibilities.

Ways To Protect Against Online Frauds

To deceive people into disclosing personal information, downloading malware, or making illegal payments, online fraudsters use deceptive tactics such as fabricating websites or sending phishing emails.

As They Bury Woman and Her...

Israelis are grieving over the deaths of a mother and her two toddlers who were taken hostage by Hamas. Their funerals took place as Israel and the US-designated terror group’s ceasefire in its first phase draws to a close with no plans for proceeding to the next stage.
