As of September 2018, BNP2TKI had received 18 complaints of physical or sexual violence by employers. Last year, there were 55 complaints
Freedom of speech dies not provide the right to offend others and hurt the sensibilities including religious sensibilities. We should know where to draw line in cyber world.Freedom makes it possible for both good and bad expression
The creepy-named plants were used for medicinal purposes and could be purchased at an apothecary, also known as a pharmacy.
If women who run away are caught, they can be pressured to return home or placed in shelters where often the only way out is to escape again. Others are jailed and only a male guardian can sign for their release
Tunisian authorities are confiscating and searching the phones of men they suspect of being gay and pressuring them to take anal tests and to confess to homosexual activity, Human Rights Watch said
Always was this man Dr Marcel Petiot France’s most prolific serial killer – proud of the scar. He showed it to those he told the story of his Great War experience. Of how he was a Bearded One during WW1 having bravely fought for France.
A witness who was inside the hotel at the time said on condition of anonymity that the front of the building was destroyed by the force of the explosions
Ugandan pop star and opposition politician Bobi Wine performed his first concert since he was charged with treason and jailed, a show of defiance Saturday punctuated by anti-government slogans and barbs aimed at the long-time president he is challenging
Gainesville, has a plaza with a stage named after Bo Diddley, the famous American singer, song writer and guaritist Ellas McDaniel where bands perform free Friday
night concerts all Summer.
Front Street Gym, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,USA has been training boxers for over 50 years. Teaching boxers from a very young age the art of fighting and how to use those endorphins to keep them out of trouble outside of class