Nazareth’s imposing Basilica of the Annunciation is built on a site that many Christian faithful believe was the childhood home of Jesus’ mother Mary
If you cannot independently confirm critical information, reveal your sources; tell the public how you know what you know and what you cannot confirm. Don’t stop there. Keep seeking confirmation
South Africa has the world’s largest antiretroviral therapy program with over 4 million people receiving treatment. But the ARV drug therapy, regarded by many as a panacea for HIV, is complicated and comes with its a number of side effects
Known as Sue, after paleontologist Sue Hendrickson who discovered the skeleton, the well-preserved specimen arrived as the star attraction at Chicago’s Field Museum in 2000
Widad’s family is among thousands of refugees making Vienna their home, and the city is helping to welcome them
Björn now employs ten refugees and asylum-seekers. Together, they make up a sixth of his workforce and among them are several trainees like Mohamad, who started out as a part-time employee
Whether left or right, spreading fake news is a condemnable act.Society is not going to benefited from these pseudo secularists and pseudo nationalists
Like journalists you should remember the journalism mantra if your mother says she loves you check it out.Check and recheck before consume any information from social media
Freedom of Expression does not give us the right to abuse others
Ganga Sagar Mela (fair), is organized at the confluence of the river Ganges and the Bay of Bengal at a place named Sagar which is about 105 km south of Kolkata. Saints and pilgrims from different parts of the country take part in this fair