Grand old party of India Indian National Congress (INC) recently appointed transgender, former journalist and an activist Apsara Reddy as a national general secretary of it’s women’s wing
Heavy rain, strong wind, snow and cold temperature led to floods, loss and destruction of assets and displacements in many regions, especially affecting coastal and mountain areas
Historically, there have been very low survival rates for pregnant women infected with Ebola, and for their babies
A Wisconsin teenager missing for three months after her parents were killed was found alive near the small town of Gordon by a neighbor on Thursday on Thursday afternoon
Various studies suggest that one in three internet users around the world is a child. But to protect children from tge negative effects of cyber world is a huge challenge
Marilyn Z Tomlins August 1997 the world media, especially the British nationals, had just one lead story. Tabloids like the Daily Mail, Mirror and The People, even broadsheets like The Times, kept calling their correspondents for updates: the editors did not want to miss anything. The story was: Princess Diana, divorced from Prince Charles heir …
In Lebanon, life is a daily struggle for more than a million Syrian refugees, who have little or no financial resources. Around 70 percent live below the poverty line. There are no formal refugee camps and, as a result, Syrians are scattered throughout more than 2,100 urban and rural communities and location
The 18-year-old Rahaf Mohammed Alqunun, arrived to Thailand from Kuwait on Saturday and was detained by the Thai authorities at the airport in Bangkok and was slated for deportation to Kuwait. She was released to the UNHCR after an international outcry
Female genital mutilation is widely recognized as a violation on human right, which is deeply rooted in cultural beliefs and perceptions with no easy task for change