Representatives of 14 armed groups active in the Central African Republic (CAR) arrived from Khartoum to finalize the signing of the peace agreement which was reached on Saturday after two weeks of negotiations
Russian President Vladimir Putin is getting some paranormal support from a coven of Moscow witches looking to cash in on his popularity
In Afghanistan, landmine survivors make up a small fraction of the nearly three percent of the population that is registered as having a disability, according to UNMAS
From 2013 to 2018, Russian President Vladiimir Putin Spoke by Phone Over 700 Times to the Heads of State of 55 Countries
The “Ark of Return” is a Permanent Memorial at UN Headquarters designed by architect Rodney Leon, to honour the victims of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade
Female lawmakers in Kyrgyzstan plan to introduce a bill to outlaw sexual harassment
A bipartisan U.S.-based watchdog says President Donald Trump is attacking essential American institutions and democratic norms, including a free press, an independent judiciary, safeguards against corruption and the legitimacy of elections.VOA
Hundreds of people bade farewell on February 5 to five girls killed in a house fire in the Kazakh capital, Astana. The girls, aged between 3 months and 13 years, were killed when their 30-square-meter house burned down during the early hours of the previous day~RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty
Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó, who last month was recognized by the U.S. as the acting president of Venezuela, talked to VOA’s Spanish service
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