Supporting and caring for wild animals can be shown by a new way through the adoption program. Your contribution will help feed your favorite animal for a full year if you adopt it.
Some zoos around the country, like Nandankanan Zoo, have started online animal adoption in order to raise the money required for animal care. People can essentially “adopt” any animal they choose for a set amount of time, and the money they pay will cover the animal’s feeding, care, and medical costs.
Choose the animal you wish to adopt from the zoo website. How many animals do you wish to adopt? Select the time frame you want to pay for; it might be anywhere from one month to one year. Enter your information and, for identity verification, upload a photo of yourself and your Aadhar number. Lastly, you can use an online payment method.
Click the various websites of Zoological gardens in India like Nehru Zoological Garden, Nandankanan Zoological Park, Rajiv Gandhi Zoological Park and Wildlife Research Center,Pune, North Bengal Wild Animals Park,Arignar Anna Zoological Park, Maharaja Martand Singh Judeo White Tiger Safari & Zoo Mukundpur, BhagwanBirsa Biological Park, Alipore Zoological Garden.