In 4 minutes and 36.26 seconds, a fast eater ate 25 Carolina reaper chili peppers, shattering the Guinness World Record.
With its jet-black coat and dazzling golden eyes, the Bombay cat is a muscular cat that resembles a tiny panther. These are gregarious, amiable hybrid cats that are a cross between the American shorthair and Burmese breeds.
Without a solid grasp of your target demographic, you will have difficulty to engage with followers. Otherwise, people might not find your voice appealing or be interested in the material you offer.Understand Which Social Media Sites to Utilize.Your followers will want to interact with you more if you have a distinct personality.
A seven-second video clip on social media targeting a Hindu festival is the latest incident that reflects growing polarization in multi-faith, multi-ethnic Malaysia, analysts say.
Many Syrians want to see the Kurdish forces in the east, who are backed by the US, surrender or join what they hope will eventually become a national army. Kurdish leaders however, say that they are still engaged in two fronts of war and want to negotiate a “partnership” with Syria’s new government.
A Vietnamese Buddhist monk on a barefoot pilgrimage from his homeland to India has given up on his attempt to walk across Myanmar and is heading to Malaysia for the next leg of his journey, a fellow monk said.
An Argentine mountaineer died 40 years ago on an icy volcanic peak in the Andes. His two daughters have recovered his rucksack from the scene and discovered camera film inside, which gave them a glimpse of some of his last moments.
Before choosing bird species, you need think about a lot of factors, such as the bird’s lifespan, the size of the cage it needs, the food it will need, how noisy the bird is, and how much time and care it requires.
Cybercriminals most obviously employ malicious friend requests to take advantage of Facebook users. It may seem like the solution is as easy as declining friend requests from strangers, but it’s not always that way. Many people accept new friend requests without question, even if they don’t know the person personally, and many have hundreds or even thousands of Facebook friends.
Landmines have already been cleared across more than a fifth of Ukraine’s surface, including farms, as the conflict approaches its fourth year.From Kyiv, Lesia Bakalets reports on the challenges Ukraine faces removing the mines and finding the resources to do it.